
Showing posts from March, 2018

learning states of water

In order to understand the states of water, students conducted an experiment .

Role play on importance of money

Students did an enactment to showcase their talent, skills, and interests to identify different ways they might earn money. Furthermore, they  described the correlation between the amount of money people make and the amount there is to save, spend and donate. They also compared options for earning money.

Interviewing various people


field visit

Students of grade 3 went on a field visit to HDFC bank under the theme " How we organize ourselves" to learn various functions of bank.

Classroom Pictures

Classroom pictures

A glimpse at assembly pictures.

In order to develop school spirit; feelings of affiliation and unity among students school assembly is very important. It  enables students to share stories and performances, as well as their abilities/talents.  Assembly provides good training in social behavior. It can contribute to student motivation through recognition of achievement.  

vocabulary building game

  Vocabulary games was not only for fun, but it created the desire to communicate and  create predictability.